Tag Archives: NTT

Increasing HIV cases among mothers and babies : what should we do ?

HIV and AIDS is a pandemic that cause health effects   Socio-economic and political. Cases of people infected with HIV / AIDS in the Islands Province, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) increased over time, like an iceberg phenomenon, which is troubling the people. Until the August 2016, person with (PLWHA) most are housewives (IRT), which is 780 […]

TEEN Star – Sebuah Revolusi Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja

“To protect our young generation from free-sex behavior by putting them in ignorance is not wise way – melindungi kaum muda kita dari perilaku seks bebas dengan menempatkan mereka dalam ketidaktahuan bukanlah cara yang bijak”, demikian ucapan Sr. dr. Hana Klaus di awal perkenalannya. Ginekolog yang juga adalah seorang biarawati dari tarekat BKK (Biarawati Karya […]

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