HIV and AIDS is a pandemic that cause health effects Socio-economic and political.
Cases of people infected with HIV / AIDS in the Islands Province, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) increased over time, like an iceberg phenomenon, which is troubling the people.
Until the August 2016, person with (PLWHA) most are housewives (IRT), which is 780 people, following the second private sector workers 610 people, farmers 410 people, as well as commercial sex workers (CSWs) 155 people. It was submitted Daily administrators KPA NTT, Gusti Brewon. And 105 babies in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) was detected suffering from Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) . Of this amount, most are in the city of Kupang and Belu district, the rest are scattered in other districts in the province based on these islands.
Cases were first discovered in Belu district in 2004.
HIV-AIDS cases in Belu until the month of August 2016, amounted to 764 cases could be identified. Only data from January 2016 until August 2016, there is the addition of 73 cases, (recorded HIV and AIDS 41 32 total 73).
Noted, the risk of transmission is still dominated housewife, totaling 312 people. Belu regencies consists of 12 districts. The entire District in Belu had been infected with this deadly disease.
On 7th September, PERDHAKI disseminate HIV / AIDS to the Religious Leaders. These event, was attended by the Bishop of Diocese Atambua.
At the last event, there are testimonials from people living with HIV (PLWHA) One testimonial giver is a child who was 9 years old. He was still in elementary school. Both the child’s parents have died of HIV / AIDS, when the child was an infant (aged 2 months) He was brought up and nurtured by her grandmother.
In an effort to reduce the number of transmission of HIV/ AIDS in Belu regency from spreading,need to build intersectoral partnering, among religious institutions, inter-Social Organization (NGO), together hand in hand, tackling the deadly disease.
Hidh incidence HIV/AIDS in NTT, especially in the group of housewives, would threatenfuture generations, it is likely transmit the virus to the baby thet will be born. (gr 4 )
Sekretary of the National AIDS Commission ( KPA) NTT, dr Husein Pancratius said, in the last 10 years ( 2005 – 2015 ) as many as 1062 residents NTT died because of HIV/AIDS. These are People with HIV who were registered while those not recorded, the number are still very much more numerous than the data that got from the Health Office. Furthermore he said that people with HIV/IDS ( PLWHA), majority aged between 20 and 35 Years old ( 10 percent of patients with HIV/AIDS adolesence)
Tnat’s why “ sosialization need to be held in schools, villages, groups at risk, community Organization and religious institutions.
Now we make the mapping of the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Belu Regency, especially among the housewives, we would like to strengthen these group with give them awareness about the condition and situation, so they be able to perform action to prevent transmission the HIV virus from others.
We hope, be able to eradicate the virus HIV by the year 2050.
[scribd id=328278058 key=key-plyrSCvTPnhkxbAyIRqo mode=scroll]Cumulative number of cases of HIV /AIDS in NTT – 2012 ( in 22 districts) ( graf.1)
The spread of HIV / AIDS in NTT is extremely fast. In Belu Regency we can see, untill August 2016 the number of HIV/AIDS cases are 949.
[scribd id=328278060 key=key-o1VQ0uzhySenArkob6qY mode=scroll]The cumulative number of HIV/AIDS cases in Belu Regency till August 2016.( graf.2)
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