Resolution of 15th AFCMA Congress 2012
We, the participants of 15th AFCMA Congress, held in Bali, on October 18 to 21, 2012, with the theme: “Challenges of Catholic doctors in the changing world”, after take note to all the presentations and discussions during the Congress :
1. Noting the challenges faced by the Catholic doctors due to rapid developments in medical knowledge, technologies, and changes in society,
2. Are aware that the new medical technologies on one side could promote dignity of human life but on the other side could also degrade human dignity,
3. Are aware that the changing society would demand their rights and autonomy in choosing technologies and services for their health, and what is technically possible is not for that very reason morally admissible,
herewith solemnly resolve:
1. to defend human life and human dignity from the beginning of life until its natural death and to put human being at the center of development and services.
2. to give special protection for the vulnerable subjects.
3. to adhere to the Christian moral values and ethics.
We are the instrument of the saving power of Christ who care and cure the sick with compassionate love. May He become for us source of power and strength in our services; become inspiration and light in our confusing situation; become our safe refuge in danger.
Bali, 21 October 2012