Resolution of 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 We, the participants of 15th AFCMA Congress, held in Bali, on October 18 to 21, 2012, with the theme: “Challenges of Catholic doctors in the changing world”, after take note to all the presentations and discussions during the Congress : 1. Noting the challenges faced by the Catholic doctors […]
Tag Archives: afcma
RANGKUMAN RENCANA TINDAK LANJUT RUMAH-RUMAH SAKIT PESERTA PROGRAM HEALTH FINANCING Wisma Perdhaki Jakarta, 11 September 2011 Tindak Lanjut oleh masing-masing rumah sakit (RS) • Hospital Information System (HIS) – Edukasi & sosialisasi internal diteruskan – Tim HIS RS ber-upaya utk menguasai program HIS dan kemudian menyempurnakan serta mengembangkannya – Memfasilitasi tenaga teknologi informasi lokal utk […]