Weaving Home Industry

Weaving Home Industry

I. Preface

Weaving is a tradition in NTT, including  in Belu district.

It is inherited from their ancestor, but now the young people disregard it. The young people prefer to use modern wear, which is produced by modern machine and the clothes had to be bought from outside their villages/districts.

The weaving program, will concerve and revitalize this tradition and also it could become an income generating program by selling the products to the tourist, who are increasingly coming to this area.

Through this activities we encourage the young women in Belu district, to learn and practice the weaving, so they can produce a good quality products.

The products could be used for traditional ceremony , but could also be used for daily clothes,  in their home and for their daily activities outside their home.

The weaving products is expecting to be  the income generating program, because the price of the products is very high and it is highly interested by the tourist.

Beside weaving, the women were also trained  in knitting/crochet, so they can produce and sell it too.

II. The activities

The training was given to 20 women, member of  “Eco Laudata Si” women group of   Kuneru parish.

The fascilitators are the weaving expert either from the district and from Jakarta.

The training was conducted in FSGM Sister Convent in Kuneru village, on March 6-10, 2018 (5 days).

After the training, they starting to make weaving products. The yarn was supplied by friend of Sister Margaretha FSGM in Denpasar/Bali.


III. The result.

The weaving products were showed and presented during Atambua diocese’s festival on October, 4 – 6, 2018. Their products were sold in that event. In that event, each member could earn IDR 50,000 to 250,000.

They also tried to put their offer through internet and the people in the city of Jakarta have interested on it and some have ordered it by online.

IV. Future action:

1. The weaving activities need dilligency and hard working people. So the group should be able maintain this spirit.

2. The weaving activities need time and do it patiently. The group should also be able to maintain this persistent attitude.

3. The weaving activities need yarn, which should be bought from outside the district. The group should collaborate with other group from outside the district to get the good quality yarn with low price.

4. The manufacture of weaving need a market. So the group should collaborate with other group outside the district to ensure the market for selling the products. The online marketing should be encouraged, since this type of marketing is an for opportunity  for selling the product worldwide.

V. Sustainablity.

The program will be sustainable, since the program is benefit for the group member and also for their parish community. They have collaboration with other group outside the district, for supplying the yarn and for marketing their products.

The accompaniement by FSGM sister will be continued, since the FSGM sister convent is located in Kuneru village, Belu district, NTT Province.

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